Top Great Reasons To Outsource Your Marketing

You are running a business and you are good at it. But that doesn’t mean you need to do everything. You may outsource your accounts, your IT, your HR requirements so why would you not outsource your marketing? By leveraging external expertise, businesses can achieve greater efficiency, access specialised skills, and ultimately drive better results. …

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brand building

How to build a strong brand

A marketing strategy can have several different objectives. The dominant one tends to be lead generation. This is usually to the detriment of brand building. Brand building and brand awareness are often left to one side as they are not considered ways of generating business. But nothing could be further from the truth. I am …

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marketing myths

Five common marketing myths debunked and why!

Like any industry, there are lots of misconceptions and misunderstandings associated with marketing. While some of these marketing myths may hold a little substance, there is none for most of them. Many of the clients I deal with have heard a few of these floating around and are quick to ask about the truth behind …

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ways to get your business visible online

Top ways to make your business more visible online

Whether you sell on or offline, are a product or service provider and across all industries, it’s vital to ensure your business is visible online. For many small businesses, this also means that the owner needs to be visible too. A strong online presence will significantly boost your chances of getting new customers and growing …

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Evergreen or Topical Content?

Evergreen or Topical Content – Which is better?

You’re putting together your content calendar and have looked at your content pillars. Now you need to populate the content. A question I am often asked is around what topics to write on. Should the topic be broad based or specific to a particular point in time? In other words, should you use evergreen content …

Evergreen or Topical Content – Which is better? Read More »

How to use content pillars to plan your social media

What is a content pillar? A content pillar is simply a topic that your company/brand will consistently feature on their social media. This means it will be discussed and highlighted with content created around it. Decide on 3 to 5 pillars i.e. topics. These topics will form the basis of the content calendar. The pillars …

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What is social media marketing?

What is social media marketing?

I’ve found that there can be some confusion about what exactly social media marketing(SMM) is. This in turn leads to confusion around the role it can play in the overall marketing mix and the benefits that it can offer. The first thing to remember is that social media marketing is only one element of digital …

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Top Trends to Adapt and Refresh your strategy

As with every industry at the start of a new year, there are numerous reviews and reports. These look back at last year and forward too. Predictions on what marketing trends are going to emerge are everywhere. How can a business easily identify which trends are right for them to include in their strategy and …

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email marketing

Simple Rules For More Effective Email Marketing

Email marketing was one of the first digital forms of marketing that many companies tried. It was a natural extension of the traditional direct mailing format. The beauty was that it was so measurable. You could see the delivery rates, the clicks, the open rates. But at the end of the day many did not …

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Review and refine goals

Make time to review and refine for a sharper focus

I don’t often write very personal pieces but the whole subject of goal-setting is top of mind with me currently. Our eldest two children have both entered exam years. For them, during their first week back, there has been a huge focus on setting their own personal academic goals for the year. Looking back at …

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5 Compelling and Simple Reasons to Use Linkedin image for blog

5 Compelling and Simple Reasons to Use Linkedin

It is often thought that Linkedin was launched as a recruitment tool. In fact, its origins lie firmly in the networking world. The mission statement itself states “connecting the world’s professionals to make them more productive and successful”. However, given the talent on show, it did become synonymous with job hunting and recruitment. Over the …

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common marketing questions

Top 3 Most Asked Marketing Questions From 2020 & The Easy Answers

As a marketeer I am dealing with a wide variety of people and businesses on a daily basis. But so often, despite the differences, the questions about how to market are often very similar. Here are the top 3 marketing questions that I was asked in 2020. You’ll see not only are they easy to …

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Painting words with video

If a picture paints a thousand words is a well used and known phrase. Personally, I firmly believe that an image can portray far more than a few words. I now extend that thinking to video. How many words does a video paint? And more importantly how do I make a video that paints them? …

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storytelling in content marketing

Why storytelling is key to content marketing

The origins of content marketing Content marketing is all about creating, publishing and distributing content for a targeted market. This can be on or offline. Content should be relevant and timely to attract and retain the defined audience and ultimately to drive profitable customer action. The purpose of the content generally falls into 1 of …

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Content Marketing

If content is king, then consistency is queen

We are all familiar with the phrase “Content is king”, first coined by Bill Gates in the ‘90s. However, this simple statement has never been more relevant than now. In 1996, when he originally used it only about 1% of the world was online. By the start of 2020 that had risen to over 50% …

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Communicating when the doors are closed

During a crisis, communicating with your customers and letting them know that you are there for them is critical. Combined with this, however, is the need to let them know how you can help them. Otherwise you risk just becoming unwanted spam. For many retailers this has meant a switch to online shops and delivery. …

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