I don’t often write very personal pieces but the whole subject of goal-setting is top of mind with me currently. Our eldest two children have both entered exam years. For them, during their first week back, there has been a huge focus on setting their own personal academic goals for the year. Looking back at last year and what worked for them, putting plans together and breaking those into manageable pieces to achieve the goals. They have been allowed to make time to review and refine for a sharper focus.
For most of us, January marks the start of our year. We are rapidly heading towards the last quarter of 2021. At this stage, we just keep doing what we have being doing all year. But have we thought about if it’s working? Do we even remember what the goals were or how we planned on achieving them? Have we done any kind of review?
Why not take a leaf out of the student’s book and treat September as the start of a new year? Do you feel your business could exceed targets with a little more focus or are you struggling to meet them and not sure what to do? Is it time to review, refine and refocus? Remember your marketing plan is a kind of map to help you get where you want to go. If you don’t look at it often, you’ll never find your way!
There are 5 simple steps to follow to get back on track before we hit the final quarter:
Schedule Time
This is the single hardest part to do. Put aside time to focus on your business rather than working in it. Set aside a minimum of an hour away from the phone and laptop and focus.
Review V Performance
Look at where you are and where you were hoping to get to. Are you a long way off or almost there but just need that vital sprint finish?
Review V Activity
Now look at what activity has been behind any successes. Bottom line what is working and what isn’t?
Review V Budget
This is always a critical one. Where do you stand in terms of budget? What has been spent and what has the cost of acquisition been.
Implement Changes
Use the trends you see from points 2, 3 and 4 to update your plan. Do more of what is working and stop (or reduce) anything that isn’t. Then implement it!
We took a time out, just one night, just before school started, just the 5 of us. It’s an important year in this household and it gave us time to chat and think. To refocus before another year began.
Is it time to do the same?
If you need help in getting a sharper focus before the year ends don’t hesitate to get in touch for an initial chat.