In the very simplest of terms, digital marketing allows you to reach your target audience at low cost. You can effectively be in front of your audience every time they reach for their smartphone, tablet, or PC. Bear in mind the average adult (age 16 – 64) spends over 30% of their time (that’s over 6 hours a day) on an internet-connected device!
It’s not just about advertising online. A robust digital marketing strategy starts with building your digital footprint. This includes your website, social channels, and other places you may be online e.g., networking groups, local business groups and so forth. Connecting with customers digitally helps build a wider audience that trusts your brand. It can be particularly useful for smaller businesses in broadening their reach. If you’re not active online, you’re missing out on a lot of opportunities. Here are my top 3 reasons why I believe every business should have a digital marketing strategy in place.
Your customers and potential customers are online
Let’s be honest almost everyone is online these days. According to a Think With Google survey, 87% of customers state that they search for a product online. This is regardless of whether they are purchasing online or in a physical shop. People expect all businesses to have an online presence. That way they can do their research in the comfort of their own home and form an opinion of your business before ever getting in contact with you directly. The expectation is that they will be able to find you online. And if they can’t, they will just find someone else who is providing the same product or service who is!
Open even when you are closed
Think of your website as a 24-hour shop window. It gives people a chance to “look in the window” before stepping inside. This is true even if you don’t sell online. Or indeed if you offer a service rather than a physical product. Your website is a powerful customer service tool. It can answer simple questions people may have such as where are you located? It can give details on the products and services you offer – Can your business solve my problem? Most important it allows people to get to know you and your business and is an important first step in building a relationship with them. A professional website reflects positively.
People buy from people
Your website, google business profile and social media channels all allow people to get to know you and your business. They aren’t just about selling your service or product. These tools allow you build a strong digital footprint that reflects your business values and show your brand personality. Potential customers search online to find out not only what your business does (i.e., will it solve their problem) but just as importantly what other people think of your business. This is where testimonials, recommendations, influencer marketing and supportive online networks all have a key role to play.
Traditional marketing is still a very powerful medium. It can be used in combination with the right digital marketing elements to form a strong overall plan. You don’t need to do everything but create a mix that delivers for your business. Whether it’s brand awareness, lead generation or customer engagement, your business needs digital marketing.
If you’d like to have a chat about how digital marketing can help your business, we offer an initial 15-minute FREE telephone consultation. Just get in touch to make an appointment.